Thursday, June 30, 2011

Surat Murat

(I have decided to make an exception for this post to be in English. Why? Coz I just feel like doing so and I think they sounds better in English. Well, just accept it and read)

Dear love, (one of the reason why it should be in English, imagine if i wrote 'menemui cinta'. pfftt sounds so wrong)
 ok, lets do it again.
Dear love,
I have been wanting to tell you, but I couldn't find the right words. Besides, I don't know how  do I tell you without hurting your feeling. I was still young and naive when the first time we met. You look pretty amazing and knowing you was one of the amazing time in my life. Then, you started to have your own space within me. Pretty much soon after that you disappear. I tried to look for you but you didn't leave any lead. Or maybe I was the one who isn't trying hard enough looking for you.
Now, to me, you are pretty much a pain in the neck and having you anywhere near me is the last thing that I hope for. Oh wait, that is not even in the list. I am good as I am and I'm doing great right now. Still, I am not as bad as you think I am. If one day, you decided to knock on my door, I will invite you in. We will  talk and have a good time as we did before. But, I will have to leave you one day. You and me are something that was never meant to be. So, if one day our path does cross by one another, lets just have a nice moment to remember and appreciate the only time that we could be together.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

lab hari ini

Hello! :)
Ok tatau kenape tapi serious ak semangat gile nak update cerita ak kat lab hari ni. Seperti biase la, ak bgn malas2 then ak gerak g lab. Rutin harian ak yg buhsan. Sampai2 ak setting sume experiment, then ak pon siap2 la buat buffer. Nak jadi cerite, kene bancuh LB Lennox, ak nak buat agar plate. Dah sarung2 glove, siap taruk mask lagi (maklum la tryptone tu boleh tahan gak la bau dy); tak nak tebukak lak botol tu. Hamboih. Panas hati aku. Siap da peluk2 abes da botol tu, tak nak gak bukak. Ak rase last time ak tutup xde la nak ketat sgt. So, mintak la tolong membe ak buat. Rupe2 nye, trick dy, ko ketuk2 je cap tu atas meja 2-3 kali,, terus boley bukak. Ok time tu rase sengal. Haha.
Then, ak nak plate bacteria, kene la pakai rod kace nie tuk flame strike kan bacteria tu. (ok abes buruk dah bahase : flame skrike kan; terima je la k :P tapi ak janji akan memperbaiki BM aku) Sebelum kite pegi lebih lanjut, biar ak explain sikit kat korang.Waktu buat flame strike tu, rod kace kene simpan dalam 70% ethanol, then panas kan atas api, baru boleh flame strike bacteria atas plate. Lepas tu nak simpan, kene lalu atas api dlu kace tu, lepas tu; DAH PADAM API TU, baru simpan balik dalam 70% ethanol. Aku tatau la ak mamai ape, ak terus masukkan rod tu dalam bikar ethanol tu. Tolong la jgn ckp korg tatau ape jadi bile ethanol jumpe api. melambung naik api dy. Ya Rabbi! Aku dah tekejut dah kat situ. Actually xde la melambung, flame sikit2 je, then bile ak goyang2 bikar tu baru la api naik. Haha. Ok tu sengal. Ak da terpikir, alamak kene amek fire extinguisher ke? atau patut simbah air je? Gaye mcm api besa je kan? Actually, tiup je pon bikar tu, api pon padam. OK. ak rase hari nie mmg sengal. Boleh lak bende mcm tu ak panik kan? LOL
OK, lepas tu, setel la sume keje ak. Ak pon g la discuss projek ngn prof ak. Ktorg bincang2 la pasal poster, n step2 yang ak kene buat tuk mggu nie. Aku siap kene dtg lab weekend nie, semata2 nak fix kan slide tuk microscope. Oh! Running out of time sungguh. OK, time bincang2 tu, prof aku nie pon lukis la expected result tuk experiment ktorg. Siap rangke2 idea tuk poster gak. Nie lah dia ak nak share rupe cell yang prof ak dah lukis. Aku lukis sebijik mcm dia cume tambah warna la sikit. :P Nah sile lah tgk, aku rase sgt comel. Rupe telur mata. (tatau la sbb ak lapa or mmg prof ak nak lukis telur mata)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Ok, Since I'm going back to Malaysia, oh wait!
Ok, memandangkan aku akan balik ke Malaysia pada cuti musim panas ini (wow! bunyik drama novel) jadi dengan semangatnye aku pun tulislah senarai2 yang terlintas dalam otak aku tuk ak buat. Actually, ak terpikir pasal nie time dalam toilet tadi. Aku tak paham kenape idea-idea bernas selalu datang time2 ak dalam jamban. Contoh nye seperti, aku selalu plan speech aku time2 sebelum aku masuk shower and ak salu pikir step2 tuk experiment ak time duduk atas jamban. Oh maybe ak patut stop cerite, sound so wrong lak ayat2 nie.
Ok, (OK da 4 kali dah ok ak) berbalik kepada senarai tugasan aku tadi.
1. Obviously, once sampai KL, terus lah nak tgk KL gangster (unless dah ade org upload kat tenet). Atau mungkin ak patut call je skop production tu, suruh anta filem tu kasi tyg kat US? Tgk la cam ne nnt.
2. Spend mase dgn keluarge tu mcm x yah cter kot, sbb komfem2 la nak lepak ngn family kan? Nak2 adik ngn ali yg beriya2 suruh aku balik.
3. Lepak dgn kawan2. (patut ke tulis name? Mgkin ptt, sbb nak kasi highlight sket) Nab, Z, Haikal, Mirul, pelam, oh pjg sgt rs nak tulis sume. Basically, budak2 laki ksygn ak :)
4. Nie penting, keluar girl's day out dgn pawjie, atie, yayip, naz, tika n sewaktu dgnnye. (walopon salu end up ade je yg bawak laki tapi still ak anggap girl's day out jugak) :)
5. nie lagi penting, girl's talk + out + everything-we-share-together dgn cik sara n weena as well :)
6. shopping (tapi x penting sgt la, sbb dah salu kan shopping kat sini)
7. kedai mamak (ok nie ak komfem hari2 buat)
8. BBQ
9. reunion
10. dah x boleh pikir pape. Mgkin patut update lagi nnt.
11. Oh wait, kuar cuti2 dgn miem n hana syg :)))